Rollicking historical romantic adventures
My Favourite Resources
I am not paid to recommend these resources
My Two-minute Claim to Fame
Publishing giants, Joanna Penn and Mark Leslie Lefebvre, have been in the business long enough to see authors burning out and leaving the writing life because they turned what they love into a hamster wheel of ever more production and marketing tasks they hate. It doesn't have to be this way.
This book is a collection of tips on how to be a more relaxed author — and return to the love that brought you to writing in the first place.
You'll find my two cents' worth quoted within (don't blink, or you'll miss it!)
Specialised Historical Fiction Editor
Book Creators
Interior Book Formatting & Design — Nicole Scarano
Tools for Building an Author Platform
How to Start Blogging: A Definitive Guide for Authors — Jane Friedman​
FOLLOWING: A Marketing Guide To Author Platform — David Gaughran
Tools for Writing
Writers Helping Writers (free samples of Descriptive Thesaurus collection) — Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi
Tools for Getting Published
The Key Book Publishing Paths chart — Jane Friedman
Writer Beware for up-to-date news of scammers in the publishing industry — Victoria Strauss
The Query Shark for writing Query Letters — Janet Reid​​
Wide for the Win Facebook Group — Erin Wright​​
Historical Research Sources
Royal Museums Greenwich — for all things British Royal Navy
Historic Naval Fiction — all aspects of naval fiction, including links to great fiction and non-fiction resources​
Women At Sea
Seafaring Women by renowned historian, Linda Grant De Pauw
Female Tars by Suzanne J. Stark
Hen Frigates by maritime historian, Joan Durett
She Captains by maritime historian, Joan Durett
Great Storm Descriptions
Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Digitalised Newspapers
Trove — Australian digitalised newspapers
Newspaper Archive — US digitalised newspapers
Google Ngram Viewer — shows when a word or phrase was used throughout the history of written records
Etymology Online — a history of words and their origins, and when they were first recorded in writing
Deviant Art — Victorian-style Insults Generator (SO much fun!)
The Slang Dictionary: Etymological, Historical and Anecdotal — by John Camden Hotten
Victorian Times
The Victorian Dictionary — a treasure trove of Victorian resources compiled by historical fiction author, Lee Jackson
The Victorian Web — literature, history & culture in the age of Victoria
Rootsweb — an absolute rabbit hole of ancestral history and stories
David Rumsey Map Collection — digitalised, rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania
Food Through the Ages
What's cooking? A culinary journey through history — detailed guide of cuisine in particular historical periods
Eat Like A Pirate — includes interesting descriptions about the taste of flamingos, armadillos and guavas, and some preparation tips of other new foods through the eras
Courtesy and Peerage Titles
Nancy Mayer, Regency Researcher — titles and names, as well as how to speak to and of titled persons
Courtesy Titles — a peer's wife and children are granted the use of certain titles, depending upon the rank of the peer