The day I visited the Polly Woodside in Melbourne, Australia back in 2017, it was a scorching summer's day - over 40 °C! It made going below decks quite memorable in that it was a true experience of what conditions would have been like for the sailors in the tropics. Gasp! And I wasn't even having to do any strenuous work either! My friend was unable to bear the stifling conditions below and she had to return to the air conditioned museum.
I persevered to get some photos and videos and to soak up the ambiance of yesteryear! My phone really did not like the heat and so even the videos and photos look hot and hazy! However, I hope you still enjoy the sneak peak.
To visit Polly Woodside yourself (which I highly recommend - with or without kids - I've done both), have a look at their website
Video Clips
This short clip is inside the Second Mate's cabin. Not much room to move but at least they had a door to close and some privacy.
This short clip is of Mate's bathroom used by the First Mate, Second Mate and Pilot. The Master had his own private bathroom in his cabin and the rest of the crew shared two basic heads at the bow of the ship.
Above Deck

Below Deck

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